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Life on the Bus:

Those Big Wheels Just Kept on Turnin'


Jackson, MS



Listen to our trip's theme song "Proud Mary."

"It seemed like every day had a personality of its own. At different times, (or maybe all the time) we were hungry, excited, over-tired, and over wrought, but we all managed to get along." -Emily Feldman

"I have been on long bus trips on many different occasions, including a trip around Spain, and I think that we were on the bus for an even longer amount of time, and we didn't have nearly as much fun. I think there was really just a great chemistry... we played fun games to pass the time on the trip, talked about all sorts of fun things, sang, ate tons of junk food, dished gossip, shared our experiences, strengthened friendships, created new ones, relaxed, slept, and heard lots of laughter!." -Kristina Riordan

"It's weird, for on the bus I made friends with people who I had known before the trip but had never really bonded with. To sit on a bus and realize that the 'quiet' kid in class is probably one of the funniest one could ever meet is a great revelation... It was there on that bus that my classmates and I found a common interest in things outside of school... Our trip had a theme song and it was there on that bus that we sang it, and grew to love it... There was really no need for TV on the bus, for we entertained ourselves and talked about the places we had just come from." -Doug Toomer




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