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Ebenezer Baptist Church

MLK Center & Burial Place

Atlanta, GA


Dr. King's resting place.
Ebenezer Baptist Church
Martin Luther King's "Dream" Speech
The Freedom Singer's "We Shall Overcome"
"The memorial was beautiful, clear, and serene, much like Dr. King's Dream. What I like best of the area however, was the garden planted outside the King center, it was an array of roses of many different colors, which represented the many different races living together. Through the middle of the garden, was a continuos stream of red roses, which symbolized the blood and suffering which had been unremitting in the Civil Rights Movement. It was beautiful, simple, and complex, all at the same time, like the movement itself." -Student
"I was so humbled, just sitting by the pool, looking up at the tomb, remembering John's Gospel 'There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for his friends.' The scenes of his casket, pulled by a sharecroppers' wagon, ran through my mind." - Kristina Riordan


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