Deep South Home > Tennessee > Day 1> Graceland
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Memphis, TN


Elvis Presley's Mansion
Listen to Elvis Presley's "Hound Dog"
"The trip to Graceland blatantly had nothing to do with the CRM, but the whole experience was entertaining. Where else can you find a green shag carpet on the ceiling." -Doug Toomer
"Then there was Graceland, all fluff." -Kate Fiorucci
"Elvis was a pioneer in one of the mist important cultural phenomenon of this century: Rock and Roll. It upset me that Graceland, added to heavy a layer of frosting to a cake that could stand alone, and in doing so, took away from the flavor of the cake." -Student

"Talk about tacky..." -Kristina Riordan

"Ahhhh! pop culture at its finest (or worst)." -Emily Feldman


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Related Links
The Official Elvis Presley Web Site

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